UNESCO had, since 2018, been implementing Our Rights, Our Lives, Our Future (O3) Programme in 33 countries in sub-Saharan Africa. Its aim is to support delivery of good quality Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) that empowers Adolescent and Young People (AYP) and builds agency, while developing the skills, knowledge, attitudes and competencies required for preventing HIV, reducing early and unintended pregnancies, and eliminating gender-based violence (GBV). In 2022 KIT Royal Tropical Institute was commissioned to conducting the final evaluation of the programme, to assess if, the extent and how all programme objectives were achieved, and to provide input into the development and design of the next phase of the programme. KIT in turn hired PALMCoL to collect the data and produce a report. The evaluation employed secondary data analysis and document review as well as primary data collection methods. Primary data, comprised of: in-depth interviews with duty bearers, focus group discussions with AYP, parents/caregivers, and teachers, and stakeholder learning sessions. PALMCoL commented on the instruments, obtained ethical approval, trained research assistants, collected the data and produced a report.
Client and/or Donor(s): KIT Royal Tropical Institute, Amsterdam
Duration: August 2022 - January 2023